This road seems pretty nice - a good smooth surface, straight, freshly painted lines, plenty of visibility and no other traffic.
But we doubt many drivers would use it. Could they even get to the start of it? Maybe if they had a 4WD. What would be the point though - it only goes for a few hundred metres before ending.
This is the story of many cycleways - they can be well built, but they might not be connected to other cycleways. It doesn't matter how good a cycleway or shared path looks, it isn't used if riders can't get to it, or it doesn't connect to somewhere useful.
This is why we are excited for the Hunter St Stage 2 cycleway coming in 2025! It will link with Stage 1 so people can ride more easily and safely into Newcastle city, and from the city to Wickham, Islington and Hamilton. There will still be more to do after Stage 2, but it will greatly increase the utility and use of Stage 1. Council says work should commence from February 2025.